Hometown Heroes
Weekend 1
April 9-11, 2021
Cost: $20 per scout
$10 per sibling (4 years or older)
$5 per adult
All Cub Scout families are invited to join us for the annual Cub-O-Ree.
Check-In will begin at Howard Lodge at 8:00 AM on April 10, 2021.
See below for maps, schedules and campsite assignments.
Walk-Ups are Welcome.
Saturday activities will include: Archery, BBs, Canoeing, Wrist Rockets, Craft Time, and a Flag Retirement Ceremony!
All Programs will take place on Camp Thunder.
Campsite reservations begin on Monday February 8, 2021 at 9:00 AM.
For $7 join us for a lunch - Choices include a hamburger meal or 2 hot dog meal - all meals include chips and a water! Don't worry about cooking lunch during this action packed day!
(Lunches will not be available for purchase on site.)