Level 1 Archery Training

Level 1 Archery Training
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
506 Thundering Springs Road - Archery Range
Molena, GA 30224, US
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ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED BUT WE STILL HAVE SPACE - CALL Laura Lovell at (404) 668-6299 for information!




      Level 1 Archery

    Instructor Training

      March 23, 2013

              All day




Take advantange of this rare opportunity for Level 1 Archery Instructor Training at Lawhorn Scouting Base.  This class is typically $100 or more, so don't let this opportunity go by if you would like to become a qualified Archery instructor.

Level 1 Basic Archery Instructor Course:
Level 1 Basic Archery Instructor Fee per student:$65
( INCLUDES: training fee, training materials & certification fees and range fee)
This 8 to 12 hour NAA Level 1 Basic Archery Instructor class is designed for 4H, scouts, summer camps, youth organizations, JOAD, County/City ASAP (After School Archery Program) Recreation Department or other short-term program instructors and YMCA instructors.
No prior experience is required.
Certification is valid for three years; the minimum age for students requires that youth must be 15 years old or above. Waivers required. Youth under 18 must have parents sign waivers,
You'll learn how to set up and operate a safe short-term archery program, how to teach new archers, how to maintain program equipment, and learn common shooting errors and correction, which may also help  your own skills. A new component includes a "drills & skills" section, which aids in training new archers.
NAA membership is NOT required.

Contact Laura Lovell with any questions.  laura.lovell@scouting.org


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$65.00 per Participant