Polaris Winter Adventure 2012

Polaris Winter Adventure 2012
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
506 Thundering Springs Road
Molena, GA 30258, US
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The last date for registration has passed.


The Winter Adventure

December 27-31, 2012

Lawhorn Scouting Base

Nestled between the pristine Flint River and historic Pine Mountain in Georgia, the Lawhorn Scouting Base presents the winter adventure: Polaris.

Polaris is a new brand of winter camp.  Featuring traditional merit badge sessions, troop activities, and high-adventure opportunities, Polaris includes unique evening activities and adventures.

Camp Fees:

Scouts: $175* (Includes all except fees for handicraft kits and high adventure classes/programs)

*A $5.00 per Scout late fee will be applied if balance not paid by December 15, 2012.

Adults: 2 Free per Troop - Addtional Adults $75.00 each

For complete details, download the Leader's Guide here.


Contact E-mail
$75.00 per Additional Adult
$175.00 per Scout
Cancellation Policy
Reservation deposits are non-refundable but are applied 100% to camping fees. Individual cancellations made by December 1, 2012 will be refunded 100%. Individual cancellations made between December 1, 2012 and December 15, 2012 will be refunded 75%. Individual cancellations made between December 15, 2012 and December 22, 2012 will be refunded 50%. No refunds will be made for cancellations after December 22, 2012.